167." and those who followed shall say:
` had there been for us a return (to the world), then we would 
disown them even as they have (now) disowned us.
thus allah will show them their deeds; bitter regrets will be upon them.
and never shall they get out of the fire."


these mislead followers, who see the unfaithfulness of their
leaders so evident, console themselves by saying:

" had there been for us a return (to the world), then we would disown them
even as they have (now) disowned us. ..."

but, what a pity! it is too late, because there is no possibility for
them to return to life again.
then, at the end of the verse, it says:

"... thus allah will show them their deeds; bitter regrets will be upon them.
and never shall they get out of the fire."

yes, they can afford nothing but sigh and regret bitterly. a regret
for the wealth they gathered but others took the benefit of it. a regret
for the extraordinary opportunities that they had had for attaining
prosperity and being saved, but they missed them all easily. a regret for
adoring some incapable worthless leaders instead of adoring allah, the

but, it is a vain regret, because it is neither the time of action nor
the occasion for making up for the past. nay! it is only the time of
punishment and receiving the results of one's own deeds.

according to some traditions, there are some different halts in the
hereafter. in a few of these halts people cannot speak anything and
silence dominates lips, where they can merely look at others regretfully
and shed tears. in some other of these halts, there are people who ask
each other for help, while some others curse and hate each other for
their former deeds.

this verse indicates that at this time when the cruel leaders, who
were adored, loved, and followed formerly, here, disown their followers
and accept no responsibility for them. so, the followers disown them,
too, and regret very much why they loved them, supported them, and
followed them. but they gained naught. they regret in heart and express
their regret by tongue in this manner that if they could return to life
once more, they would never follow them. they say that these people
who are so disloyal that they denounce their followers here on this day
(the reckoning day), they (the followers), too, would denounce them if
they could return to the world again. they regret, but what is the use of
this regret? it is of no use, and they cannot come out from the blazing
fire of hell.